"Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature."
How far along? 19 weeks- almost halfway there!
Baby’s Size: A MANGO?! That sounds huge!
Total Weight Gain: 14 pounds. yikes.
Maternity Clothes: Couldn't live without them.
Gender: It looks like this baby might be a surprise. The gastroschisis hides the genitals.
Movement: All the time now. I absolutely love it.
Sleep: I've been waking up early lately... for no reason.
Symptoms: Back pain, hunger.
Best Moments this week: The appointment yesterday in Grand Rapids. It was so wonderful to see Peanut again, and to get the wonderful news that he/she was misdiagnosed. There is definitely still a long road ahead, but at least I don't have to worry about this little Peanut having chromosomal problems or multiple birth defects anymore.
Food Cravings: Fresh fruit. YUM.
Food Aversions: I prefer NOT to smell food cooking, even if it's something that I like. My nose is just too sensitive.
What I miss: Laying on my stomach to read. I've been reading a lot lately, and it's annoying to have to sit up all the time.
What I am Looking forward to: My next OB appointment, a little less than two weeks from now. I'll be nice to hear Peanut's heartbeat again and to have any new questions answered. I've already thought of a few since my appointment yesterday!
Milestones: First appointment with the geneticist, OB, and perinatologist that I'll be working with over the next several months. Also, receiving a firm diagnosis- gastroschisis rather than omphalocele.
I was so happy to read that your baby is doing better than expected. I pray that everything else goes smoothly. In live in GR, so let me know if you need anything or just even where places are.