Friday, October 29, 2010

I hate to complain but...

I really hate whiny blog posts. In fact, I wasn't even going to post at all today to save you all from having to listen to me complain. But, seriously? Enough is enough.
This is my third straight day of feeling like crap. And the second day of these really strange period-like pains. I'm not kidding. You know that warm, crampy, achy feeling in your lower abdomen and crotch that usually means Aunt Flo will be visiting soon? Yeah. Well, I'm PRETTY sure I'm not about to have a period anytime soon so... what the heck is going on?!
I'm still having plenty of Braxton Hicks contractions... but not enough to warrant a trip to L&D. So... I'm HOPING this is just a normal pregnancy symptom.
A question to my fellow preggo bloggers {or those who have already HAD a baby}: do/did you ever experience something like this? Did it go away on its own or was it the start of something bigger, like labor that thing that I don't even want to think about yet?


  1. I am no means a medical professional (yet), but with my second pregnancy (I had no signs of labor with the first, and I was induced) I had crampy feelings a couple of days before active labor. Over the next few days they just got worse until they turned into full blown contractions. And you definitely will know the difference between a BH and a real contraction.

  2. I felt pains like that my last 2 months. It was so uncomfortable. For me, it kinda just came and went randomly! I'm sorry... I know how crappy that feels. I hope it goes away soon!

  3. Hmmm. Well, we'll just have to wait and see if it gets worse or {hopefully} just goes away. I'm definitely sure that my contractions are just BH- they hardly even hurt. And that's fine by me! :)

  4. With my first, I had a lot of period like cramps. They came and went for about a month before I delivered. With my second, I had PTL so everything was monitored.

    Good Luck Hun, I hope everything calms down for you.

  5. I had period-like cramps about 2 days before I gave birth to my son up until I gave birth to him. I don't mean to scare you or anything like that....I would just mention it to your doctor (which I'm sure you will/have anyway).

  6. I had period like cramping for about 3 weeks prior to giving birth - then on the day of labour they got stronger and more regular. For me, early contractions felt like period pain in waves, so it took me a while to be sure it was labour - the difference was it came at regular intervals instead of being constant. Hope that helps! Good luck :)

  7. I started to get feeling like that, about 2 weeks before i went into labour. I had a lot of braxton hicks too.

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences with this, ladies.
    I'm going to call my OB tomorrow if I'm still feeling like this, just to give him a heads up and see what he has to say about it. I'm sure he'll probably say it's fine- and I'm scheduled to go back in next week anyways, but they like me to keep them informed. And, of course, it gives me a little peace of mind.

  9. I had a small bit of period like cramps the other week. I think it was due to stretching ligaments in my belly.

    Might be different for you as you are much further along but who knows? Maybe little Elliot is having a growth spurt?

    Probably best to ask your OB.

    Hope it feels better soon.

  10. Rinny- if it were just Elliot having a growth spurt, I think I'd cry tears of joy!! This little guy has a LOT of growing to do!

  11. Haha, I had a total whiny post yesterday. It was much needed though. I had a lot of real contractions for about a month or so before I had him, but I remember the stronger period sensation really down low when I was in active labor. I wouldn't worry too much at this point... just call your ob and see what he has to say.

  12. I wish I could be helpful but I was induced. I'm with everyone else though, call your doctor. I love reading blogs because of the honesty and it makes me feel more normal about the feelings I have. For me it's about reading the good and the not so great. I don't think your being whiny at all! :)

  13. Hang in there, Elliot *and momma!*


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss