Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh, hi!

I've been slacking a bit on the blogging front. I blame this on the fact that Elliot has been waking up at 5:30am lately and crawling all over the place destroying the whole house... which equals one very tired mama! I'm going to try harder this week, though. I have reviews and giveaways to post, too! Yay!

A couple pictures from last night:
IMG_8489 copy Nom nom nom!

IMG_8481 copy
Charlie and Elliot are still best friends. They are always stealing each-other's toys and Charlie literally follows Elliot EVERYWHERE still... he even watches him take his baths, even though he hates water! It's pretty funny. These two are just too cute together.


  1. They are both super cute!! Now I want a cat haha!!

    Petit Monstree

  2. Adorable!

    When you have time can you email me about the Sears sleep method? I have searched and can't find anything and it sounds so unlike the Sears that I'm really curious. Plus, I'm tired and would love to find a new idea.

    zalumamo @ (no spaces)


  3. Just lovely!! Charlie blends right into the picture!

  4. Oh my gosh! I can't even handle that photo of Charlie and Elliot. Too cute.

  5. This is so cute! I wish my cat liked josh like this ... She tollerates him but would rather stay away lol x x x

  6. he is such a cute little guy!!! ahh!!

  7. He is super tan too


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss