Sunday, May 4, 2014

clean menu plan, week 4

Monday: chicken parmesan
Tuesday: tuna noodle casserole
Wednesday: chicken stir fry over jasmine rice
Thursday: spinach artichoke pasta
Friday: roasted chicken, potatoes, and veggies
Saturday: Emmett's birthday party
Sunday: Mother's Day (plans unknown?)

All of these are my own recipes, and all the meals are clean with the exception of the tuna noodle casserole, because that uses cream of celery soup. If anyone has any suggestions/recipes for clean tuna casserole, feel free to share!

Goal & Focus this week: I have recently taken on another three year old in addition to my boys, so Monday-Thursday, I wanted to make dinners that were pretty easy/familiar and not too labor intensive. We are still eating clean with great success about 90% of the time. We've completely switched over to whole wheat bread crumbs, pasta, and flour, which makes it easy to turn some of our old standby dinners into clean meals. Occasionally,we make exceptions (like with the tuna casserole) but overall, we are filling our bodies with REAL food and that makes me feel great. :)


  1. I make a kind of makeshift tuna mac and cheese from scratch that my kids love. It is just a basic cheese sauce, noodles, peas and tuna. I am sure if you wanted to be fancy, you could add breadcrumbs and bake it after you mix it all together.

  2. Use vege stock, real celery and a bit of cream in stead of the soup.

    Looks tasty.


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss