Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day thirty-six- my baby is FIVE WEEKS old!

Elliot is losing weight.
He's down to 8 lbs now, when not too long ago he weighed 8 lbs 5 oz. We'd appreciate prayers for some WEIGHT GAIN, please!
Other than that, we had a good day today. He was wide awake for awhile, cuddling and relaxing with us. Elliot has changed so much in the last five weeks {did I mention he's FIVE WEEKS OLD today?!?}. The nurses are always commenting on how alert he is. Now, he can focus on our faces or nearby objects and loves looking around. His favorite toys are his floor/crib mirror and his aquarium soother. When he's not trying to eat, he spends a good chunk of his "awake time" staring out the window and if something gets in his way, he'll move around to get a better look. He's our little Curious George :)
He's also getting the hang of breastfeeding- or at least, latching on. He only manages to get about 2/3 of an ounce at a time. I'm not surprised, because he is QUITE the messy eater. We both end up taking milk baths every time he eats! Oh well, I'm sure he'll figure it out soon.




Look dad, I can make funny faces, too!

Elliot knows where the good stuff is ;)



  1. happy 5 weeks elliot! i just noticed your hubby's elliot tattoo.... i love it! how sweet!

  2. Happy five weeks!!! <3

    Elliot looks great in orange.

    and just remember that while breastfeeding is natural it doesn't come naturally and practice makes perfect. You are right, he will get the hang of it. :)

  3. We took milk baths as well when Marshall was first learning to breastfeed but he soon got the hang of it. I think Marshall was a little lazy :) I can't believe how alert Elliot is at that age. He is adoreable.

  4. he's so freakin cute!!!! Congratulations on quite the cutie!Yay for 5 weeks!

  5. happy 5 weeks!! aww!- god he is so cute! look at that adorable monkey one-sie!
    & i have to agree with you about nipple shields in the post below! my husband called it my extend-o nipple! haha but unfourntley stop breastfeeding due to a horrible breast infection & kennedy had to go on soy! :(

    glad your hanging in there!


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss