Thursday, November 4, 2010

Great, great news!

My appointment today couldn't have gone better- I'm really relieved and happy.
Elliot had a major growth spurt and now weighs 3 lbs 1 oz! He jumped up from the 2nd percentile to the 25th! I was shocked. I expected him to be around two and a half or so. He's still measuring three or four weeks behind for everything, BUT his brain is measuring at 32 weeks- so I have a little brainiac in the making ;)
The other fantastic news is that my fluid was FOURTEEN today, which is a huge change from the 5-6 that it was holding steady at over the last four weeks.
So my little man is doing well. They're still anticipating that I will go into labor naturally sometime this month- and if not, then my next appointment in Grand Rapids is on the 2nd, and they'll likely induce me shortly after that.
And now, here are some semi-creepy 3D pictures- but I find them fascinating. It's especially interesting because in the second one, you can see some coils of bowel by his lips.


  1. I'm so glad my guess was wrong! Way to grow Elliot!

  2. Those pictures are pretty fascinating. That is so great that everything went well!

  3. That's great news! It must be such a relief...keep up the growing Elliot!

  4. That is fabulous news!! Yay Elliot!!! And those 3D photos are amazing, aren't they?? I can tell he's a handsome little guy!

  5. so glad that your appointment went so well that they didn't have to induce!

    Keep growing Elliot!

  6. i've followed you for a little while, just never commented. i'm glad things are looking up with elliot!

  7. great news!! and i think he is super cute ;)

  8. wew i was so close!!!

    That is absolutely fantastic news. Praise God.

    He IS looking after little Elliot.

    Here's praying he stays in there till after the 2nd.

  9. I just stumbled onto your blog and I wanted to say way to go Elliot! Keep on growing so when you are born you are big and strong and heal fast! GL hope he decides to stay in until at least the 2nd.

  10. I'm so glad things went well! We still have the 3D pics of our little girl up on the fridge, even after 18 months. It amazes me how spot on the pics are of her. Except now she doesn't look like melted cheese. :)

  11. Woo-HOO!!!!! I'm super glad he's doing so well. And I guessed correctly! (Well, almost, I was off by 1 oz. LOL!) Way to go!

  12. Great job growing, Elliot & Mama! That's wonderful he had such a spurt and yes, you sure do have a braniac on your hands! :D

  13. Oh, and PS. This is "M Family Chronicles" from Tumblr ... a new blog that obviously doesn't have much going on in it. I didn't want you to think I was some new, random creeper -- I've been following you for a while from my Tumblr.

  14. AMAZING news!!! What an absolute blessing!!!! I am so excited and love the pictures! Keep growing Elliot!

  15. hooray!

    at this rate, with his HUGE brain, his preemie hats might not fit ;)

    it's a GOOD thing!!!

  16. Aw! What great news! And yay for 3D pictures as well. :)

  17. Great news!. Hurray for Elliot!

  18. Awesome news!!! Thank God!!!

  19. Amazing news, Jess! Wonderful. i'm so happy your little man is growing so well!

  20. That is SUCH great news, Jess!!! What a growth spurt! Grow, Elliot, grow. :) So glad to hear everything is going so well.


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss